McCoy's Florida Honey offers a multitude of health benefits, from being a rich source of antioxidants to aiding digestion and soothing sore throats. We're dedicated to providing a natural and wholesome choice that not only sweetens but also enhances your well-being.
Honey is the preferred sweetener for diabetics as regular consumption lowers blood sugar levels.
A daily spoonful or two of raw honey taken prior to bedtime can help you sleep better and loose weight at the same time.
1 Tablespoon of honey is 17 carbs. It is one of the most nutrient dense foods known and contains minerals, vitamins, and enzymes; giving you a boost of energy.
Honey is a natural antibiotic and can be applied topically to disinfect and soothe wounds and sores.
Honey acts as a natural cough suppressant and its thick consistency may help coat nerve endings in the throat to reduce persistent tickles.
Honey is great for athletes because it provides sustained energy over time and it promotes a faster recovery.
Honey consumption will result in lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, and increases in HDL-cholesterol.
Honey improves and restores the immune system.